The Great British Baking Show

Several months earlier my wife encouraged me to join her in watching this TV show imported from England. Always ready to spend time with her it was an easy decision to acquiesce—but my expectations were modest. What a pleasant surprise. I found this British import to be quite enjoyable and even uplifting. It’s a reality show that pares 10 baking contestants down over time to a winner. Along the way the contestants are challenged with producing a variety of cakes and pastries in a limited time.

All this sounds, perhaps, mundane but that’s not the case. There is tension as time runs down and the bakers finish their task. But any sort of contrived competition can replicate this format. Two things distinguish this show. First is the relationship between the contestants themselves and with their judges. All bakers want to win but there is a warm friendship and camaraderie that comes about that is satisfying and restores some of the faith in human nature that the past four years drained from me. The other appealing aspect is the opportunity to get to know contestants, judges and even the hosts in at least modest depth as we learn of back stories and hear and see the candid interactions. There is rare gloating when someone loses one of the bake-offs and is dismissed; rather there is commiseration and empathy. It’s a comforting feeling to experience sincere compassion between competitors.

As for the baking products…simply dazzling. Both taste—as reported by the judges as they chow down—and the presentations are spectacular. And, perhaps best of all, my wife is frequently motivated to reproduce what we see. The result is some of the tastiest cakes and English muffins I have ever stuffed into my mouth.

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Georgia boy
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In love with my wife of 42 years

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