Road Trip: Oregon

The pandemic has taken its toll. Many have died; others have suffered and survived hospitalization, including time in ICUs and on ventilator support. My wife and I were fortunate enough that paying strict attention to recommended safety measures of social distancing and wearing of masks that we did not get infected, much less suffer these serious consequences. As many others we did hang around the house, adhere to the commonsense mask recommendations, and cancel several planned trips outside the country. All this brings me to now and the road trip we just enjoyed; safe because like most of the country we are fully vaccinated.

It has been dangerously hot in much of the country. Tucson, our home, is always hot in the summer but this June was intolerable with temperatures above 100° every day and exceeding 110° several times. So off to the northern coast of Oregon we went. We employed the vehicular equivalent of an amble, driving north through Arizona, Utah, Idaho and, ultimately, the Oregon coast. The highlight of the drive was a stop in Cedar City, Utah where their Shakespeare festival was underway. We saw an excellent production of “Pericles.”

The Oregon coast scenery was spectacular with clouds and mist encircling wooded hills and, of course, Pacific Ocean waves breaking on shore. Also deserving mention are the large rock formations just offshore; spectacular. It was chilly with temperatures in the 50s and a nearly constant brisk wind. I wouldn’t enjoy that always but it was the break from the Tucson heat my wife and I wanted. A bonus was visits from both daughters and the grandson.

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Georgia boy
Avid reader
World traveler
In love with my wife of 42 years

I Want to Share My Passion

Have you, a family member or a friend experienced or are currently facing chest surgery?

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One of my aims is to provide interesting and informative discussions of thoracic surgeons, thoracic surgery, the diseases they treat and the issues they face. These discussions will both review the development of thoracic surgery and elaborate on the current role surgeons play in the treatment of diseases of the chest including both lung and esophageal cancer.

In addition I will also sprinkle in discussions of other health care related considerations and toss in occasional interviews with a variety of people with some connection to surgery and/or other health care activities

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